
Course Overview

Course Overview
Still life offers the opportunity to use everyday objects and engage with the concerns of composition, form, quality of light and texture, which is why it has remained a popular subject matter throughout the history of art, bringing us to the present with the resurgence of contemporary painters populating the subject today.

This course will explore the technical aspects of painting in oil or acrylic with a study of composition, colour, mixing practice and observation, whilst working with a variety of different still life set ups. Each week developing your skills in painting techniques and the handling of materials, with support and guidance throughout. This class is suitable for beginners and intermediate.

Course Overview

Additional Costs

Additional Costs
Contact adultlearningquery@cardiff.gov.uk for more info
Additional Costs

What should I bring to the first lesson?

What should I bring to the first lesson?
Students to bring with them: Student or Artist Quality Oil / Acrylic Colour:

• Warm Red e.g - Cadmium Red
• Cool Red e.g - Alizarin Crimson or Quinacridone Red
• Warm Blue e.g – Cerulean, Manganese or Pthalo Blue
• Cool Blue e.g - Ultramarine Blue
• Warm Yellow e.g - Cadmium Yellow
• Cool Yellow e.g - Lemon Yellow
• Yellow Ochre
• Viridian Green
• Titanium White
• Black

Students may bring additional colours if they wish.

Also: rags, palette, palette knives, masking tape, flat and or round brushes - if possible sizes 2, 4 and 8, white spirit or turpentine (for oil painters), a small range of pencils, an apron may be useful.

Various sized surfaces to paint onto such as – canvas, canvas board, primed oil paper / acrylic paper pad, primed boards, whichever you feel comfortable using.

Tuition will be provided with regard to materials, so it is advisable not to purchase unnecessarily before the course commences.
First Lesson


Those who are not currently in education, training or employment and are in receipt of state benefits or support (excluding state retirement pension). those aged 50 plus who are not in full-time employment.
Those who are not currently in education, training or employment and are in receipt of state benefits or support (excluding state retirement pension). those aged 50 plus who are not in full-time employment.
- To allow us to provide equal opportunities for all eligible learners, please refrain from enrolling on more that three Learning For Work courses at this time. -
- To allow us to provide equal opportunities for all eligible learners, please refrain from enrolling on more that three Learning For Work courses at this time. -

Learner Note

Learner Note
This course is designed for adults with an experience of mental health issues.
This course is designed for adults with an experience of mental health issues.
This course is designed for adults with a learning difficulty.
This course is designed for adults with a learning difficulty.
Llanover Hall
Christopher Holloway

This course is online only

This course is online only

Llanover Hall Important information, please download and read before registering onto a course:

Llanover Hall Important information, please download and read before registering onto a course: